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The latest update as of September 29, 2015

Where did the last eleven months go?

Another retirement card

The older you get, the quicker the time goes. I've been hearing that refrain for years, but now I'm truly living it. It seems like there's just not enough time in each day to get everything - some days anything - done. People think that retirement gives you all the time in the world to relax and watch the days slip by. WRONG! Every one of them seems filled with more tasks than I can do, and I keep wondering how the heck I ever got anything accomplished when I was still working.

That all changes today as we start a 25-day cruise from Vancouver to Australia. You might think that sounds like a slow, boring way to travel. Au contraire; with some nicely spaced port calls, and a walking track around the Promenade Deck that never ends, the time will quickly slip into the wake that follows the ship across the Pacific. Then the real fun starts, with three weeks jaunting around the south end of Australia, seven weeks in north Queensland, and finally, a few weeks in Malaysia, Indonesia, and Thailand.

Updates will be as sporadic as ever, but I will try to get something posted on here on at least a semi-regular basis.

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