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The latest update as of October 12, 2011
Greater Vancouver Motorsport Pioneers Society
As promised.... and promised, here's the link to the induction ceremony photos. Before I even entered the Croatian Cultural Centre where the gathering was held, the cars in the parking lot were a true show unto themselves. Then inside it was like walking back in time and being able to schmooze and benchrace with so many of the legends of Vancouver motorsport. It's just too bad there wasn't more time to visit with everyone and catch up with all the great folks there. Oh well, there's always more years to do it as I will be back on a regular basis now that I've attended my first one.
Here's the link to the photos, on their own page; with captions to be added as soon as possible (and where have you heard that one before?). Our next update will be from Bakersfield tomorrow, with a few roadtrip pics and some shots from the test'n'tune at Auto Club Famoso Raceway.
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