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The latest update as of March 24, 2011
Spring Roadtrip - Palm Springs to Tucson
More pics from the "looking at the world through a windshield" category, but this time the weather was so much better than last week's drive from Vancouver to Bakersfield and this week's Bakersfield to Palm Springs jaunt. Nothing but blue or hazy skies, warm temps and dry roads and nary a trace of snow on any of the mountains we passed on our way into Arizona.
We'll be in Tuscon until Monday, covering the IHRA Arizona Nitro Jam for Dean Murdoch and the gang at SpeedZone Magazine, then it's off to the bright(er) lights of Las Vegas and a few more days of r&r before the NHRA "Big Show" race at Las Vegas Motor Speedway. Still lots of fun ahead on this trip. But here's what we did today, starting with our last look at Palm Springs at 9:00 this morning, and ending with our arrival at the Sheraton in east Tuscon in the late afternoon. 400 miles in six hours - and that includes some rush hour traffic, a few stops for gas and restrooms, and a border inspection station. Not a bad average. It helps to see 75 mph speed limit signs, but as you'll see on one of our photos, "cruising" speeds may be higher than the limits.
And that's all for today folks. Tune in again over the weekend and we may have a few more shots to share, or if it's just the drag racing results and stories and photos from Tucson, click on over to SpeedZone for your drag racing fix.
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