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The latest update as of July 28, 2010
Two days and counting....
Well, we've managed to put a bunch of pics on our Canadian National Open coverage pages, but hard news, results and such are still sorely lacking, so we'll put the camera down for a day or so and fill in all the blanks on the reports and results pages.
So far, we've managed to get all the photos from Friday posted, and moved the Moznik crash sequence photos to the Pro Photo page, along with the selection of our best efforts from the weekend to their respective pages. The qualifying results from Saturday are posted on that day's report page. Some of Friday's story is written (on that report page) and we're stuck into putting together Sunday's results before we loop back and finish Friday's report.
In the meantime, we've got some catching up to do on this page, with a whole laundry list of stories that just need to be written, so be patient and we'll get it all done.... by the end of the week at the rate we're going. Seriously, I hope to have 90% of the writing done from the Canadian National Open by the afternoon today and get it all finished by late tonight. Trust me: it will be worth it.
A quick note to all the people who've written me with very kind words of encouragement lately: (yes, all both of you), THANKS so much, it truly means a lot. And frankly, it's fun to be back hammering away on the keyboard and macerating the english language again as I'm so fond of doing. Enough of the sentiment, fire the next pair!
If you're looking for all the pics and stuff that was on this page up until five minutes ago, click on the What's Old link or go to the Mission Canadian National Open coverage.
NOON Update: We've got all the results from Sunday posted and we're moving on to Friday's numbers next. Then we'll fill in some details from Saturday before we leave for work at 3pm. Busy, busy. In the meantime, check out Dean Murdoch's excellent detailed coverage from the event at SpeedZone Magazine. Don't stay there too long though as you might miss some of the great stories here. Just kidding, of course.
To keep you chuckling and scratching your head for a minute or four, check out a couple of items that landed on my doorstep this morning. We'll give you the details on them later. Click on the thumbnails to see larger size versions.
Please note that the picture on the right, featuring none other than Bob "The Indian" Beezer (yes, the guy who did the rain dances at Indy for so many years) and Senior Dragster racer Don Dulmage was taken by the folks at and is copyright by them. They've allowed us to use it with their kind permission.
To see previous updates go to the What's Old page