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The latest update as of July 1, 2010
Happy Canada Day!
Not much to report today other than to wish everyone a very Happy Canada Day and to our American friends, hope you have a great July 4th this weekend. Despite the holiday aspect of today, I'm hard at work trying to catch up from a couple of days of downtime here at Northern Thunder. Both computers decided to develop problems simultaneously, virtually bringing us to a halt until they were fixed. The desktop only needed a serious cleanup, a tuneup and another hard drive, bringing the total of onboard storage to two terrabytes now. Shouldn't take too long to fill it up again though.
The laptop had also reached critical mass over the weekend in Edmonton, slowly grinding to a virtual halt as the miniscule hard drive - I forgot it was only 30 GB - filled to near overflowing with the seven or eight hundred pictures we took at the Rocky Mountain Nationals. Once the desktop unit was back in operation I was able to transfer all the data from the laptop to the desktop computer and got both of them running hard and strong again. From now on I'll just use the flash drive to store the files I need on the road and leave the hard drive in the laptop to run the programs I need to maintain the website.
It appears that at least a few people are following this site again, as the corrections to my mistakes keep rolling in. The latest one concerns my "hair on fire" diatribe directed at TSN for pre-empting the NHRA Summit Racing Nationals from Norwalk in favour of Wimbledon tennis. A faithful correspondent pointed out that it will be shown on TSN next Monday, July 5th at 11:00 am Pacific time. Thanks for the update, Moe!
No news yet from Toronto Motorsport Park where the Canadian Nitro Nationals is set to start tomorrow. The AHRA involvement in the event is shrinking by the day, as the Toronto promoters seek to distance themselves from the continuing trainwreck of the association that never was. More news on the situation when we get it. Thunder spies where are you?
Looks like it's time to get back to Photoshop and keep filling in the blanks on the Edmonton photo pages. We've simply got to get it finished this weekend as it looks we're heading south to Seattle's Pacific Raceway for the NHRA Northwest Nationals next weekend. It'll be my first trip there in five years and if the weather cooperates, should be a great event. Even better, I get to hang out with some of the best drag race photogs in the area: Gerry Frechette, Bill Jeffery and Paul Grant. I'm going to start packing tonight.
We'll put a quick update on here later after we're done photoshopping for the night and let you know how far we got. In the meantime, enjoy the day. Go Canada Go!
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