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The latest update as of May 31, 2010
Mission Raceway - Day Forty-Seven - NHRA LODRS Lordco BC Nationals
After a well-earned night's sleep, we're up and at 'em again, for what seems like a very long, and possibly never-ending drama being played out at Mission Raceway. After committing to another day off work to watch what should/could/would be the final day of eliminations for the LODRS event, I checked the weather network's latest forecasts, only to find a series of "light rain" postings for the next two days. Oh no not again!
But before we give up and admit it's a lost cause, we're heading out to the track yet again, hopeful as always that we'll see the conclusion of the race under somewhat reasonable conditions. Before we go, there's just enough time to post the first few dozen of yesterday's pics on this page. (Scroll down a little). Hope you enjoy them.
One more note for this morning: in what may be a case of "throwing bad money after worse" I've booked my ticket to Calgary for the SCHEDULED AHRA Reunion Tour event on Father's Day weekend in June. To say the least, it should be interesting. Word is that no matter what, Calgary will put on some sort of event that weekend, AHRA directed or not, so it won't be a total loss. Weather permitting, of course.
Final note: Happy Memorial Day to all my American friends. A great day to celebrate and enjoy what this good life has to offer us all.
Ooh, ooh, just one more: check out the action, if there is any, at Mission on Drag Race Central. That's all. We're done. For now.
I knew I shouldn't have. I just knew it. Click on the link to Drag Race Central and you'll see what I mean. The race has been postponed to August 19th at Pacific Raceways in Seattle. It will be run on the Thursday before the LODRS event at that track. What a bummer! Another day up in smoke. Oh well, time to rest up and recuperate before my "Prairie Swing" in June - back to back events at Calgary and Edmonton. In the meantime, I've got all day to get the pics processed and posted from the weekend and catch up on some other stuff I've been working on. Stay tuned.
NOTE: All the photos from the weekend can be accessed by clicking on the "What's Old" link and going to the "What's New" updates from May 27, 28, 29 & 30th.
To see previous updates go to the What's Old page