--- What's New - November 2, 2002 What's New - November 5, 2002  

in the world of drag racing

Fast Mouse Fast Mouse

The latest update as of December 18, 2002

1:30 PM

The only news to report today is the true, actual, honest to goodness, for real, etc, restart of Northern Thunder. The first order of business is to rebuild all the missing pages and then fill in all the blanks from the last year or so. No problem, we'll have it handled in this lifetime.

As mentioned on the homepage, there is finally some seriously positive news coming out of Australian drag racing. In another hour or so we'll have the story of the purchase of Adelaide International Raceway posted, and then follow that up with the latest report on construction of the new Western Sydney International Dragway.

It's not mentioned elsewhere yet, but if you click on anything that hasn't got an actual link yet, you'll get a grinning croc trotting out some lame excuse as to why the link doesn't work. Just click your "back" button to get out of his way.

More news as it develops, and further updates on our progress will be posted throughout the day.

8:30 PM

I've got to make this a quick update so I can get back to working on some more pages. Without a proper site navigation scheme in place yet, just follow the links below to the stories about the latest developments in Australian Drag Racing. And while you're getting into the Christmas (yes, I can use the "C" word around here) mood, remember that not everyone gets what they wish for. See below for the evidence. More news later tonight. How late? LATE!

From the November 15th edition of DRAGSTER Australia, read Sydney: WSID Plans Revealed - complete with plan drawings. And from the November 29th edition, read the first news about the sale of Adelaide International Raceway to a consortium of motorsport enthusiasts. Almost forgot to mention: you'll have to use your back button to get back here from the stories. And in case you dropped in for a visit earlier today, the two screen size options were a very, very bad mistake on my part. Sorry folks, but you'll just have to live with my 1024 X 768 resolution setting. Either get used to scrolling a lot, or step up and buy a larger monitor.

Santa's Dead!
Thanks to a great lady in the Fraser Valley for this heartwarming(?) pic

Black Bar
More news as it happens, and if you wish to provide us with any news or information to upgrade or correct any errors at this site: