If you're as old as I am, you might remember the old Rolling Stones song:
"What a drag it is getting old...." Well, the only time it really is a drag
is when your friends(?) and relatives remind you about it.
Now for a serious public service message: DON'T try to put 50 candles on
a birthday cake, light them and sing the full version of "Happy Birthday"
before the recipient (victim is more like it...) gets a chance to extinguish
them. When the smoke alarm in my sister's travel trailer went off, we all
bailed out and didn't get any good pics of the still smoldering cake. And
trying to eat birthday cake that's infused with melted wax is really not my
idea of a taste treat.
Speaking of getting old: The Seattle story is heading in that direction in
a hurry, isn't it? Stay tuned as we'll try our best to get at least part of
it up and running tonight. All I've managed to do so far is collate my notes,
roughly edit a few dozen pics and sort of organized a coverage page. It will
take a little longer than I'd planned originally, but the event is really
several stories, rather than just one large blast. Keeping it all in focus
and on topic will be the challenge.