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in the world of drag racing

Black Bar

The latest update as of November 26, 1999

From the "Just when you thought it was safe to surf the net again..." department: Wilson's back. Where has the last month gone? For that matter, where has the last year gone? Well, those questions aside, I'm back in cyberspace and taking up webspace again. Whether that's good or bad is for you to judge.

Sometimes we go through "down" stretches in our lives; sometimes those periods go on for quite a while; and sometimes they just never seem to go away. Over the years, I've experienced more than a few, but always seem to snap out of them just in time to salvage my job, friendships, race cars, etc. This time around, it was a knock on the door a few days ago. It was indeed a surprise to open it and find a police officer standing there.... "Robert Wilson?... Your friends in Australia contacted our department as they were concerned about your welfare"... Talk about your proverbial wake-up call.

So here I am again, picking up the pieces and trying to catch-up on what I've missed in the last month. For those who've sent me email lately, please be patient for just a few more days, and I will respond. Over the next week or so, all the sections of the site that have fallen behind will be updated; so again, please be patient for just a while longer. And to those of you who were worried about me.... thanks again for being true friends. Once again you've reminded me that life is more than just a job or a race car.

Speaking of work, which has slowly gotten back to normal since the lockout on the Vancouver waterfront ended 12 days ago; I'm back on the graveyard shift (tonight will be the 12th consecutive) and consequently, don't have much time to do any real update tonight. But I've lots to talk/write about in the near future: the series of late-season explosions in Top Fuel; the unreal performances of the injected nitro cars (just a coincidence that they stepped up -- a bunch -- right after NHRA re-instated them for 2000? Not a chance, Lance); and the increasingly international aspect of drag racing. And, if we have any time left over -- a look at where Motorsport Marketing is now... and will be in the new millennium. In case you haven't guessed, or figured it out already, it's going to get a whole lot worse because it gets better.

So, as always, for the latest news from the wide, weird, world of drag racing, stay tuned to "What's New" at Northern Thunder.

Black Bar
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